H & F Consultores Asociados has as it’s goal to work together with the Client to search and recruit the best suited personnel for the any of the below mentioned positions:

  • Top Management
  • Middle Management
  • Specialist
  • Supervisors
  • Young Professional
  • Office and Technical Personnel



  • Profile of the Company:

In the first place, we take into account all pertinent information about the institutional philosophy, organizational policies and specific market where the company develops its business.

  • Profile of the Vacant Position:

All details of the functions and know-how needed will be obtained in this stage, such as:

  • Responsibilities
  • Place in the company’s structure
  • Functional relations
  • Specific knowledge required
  • Educational level
  • Abilities and capacities necessary for the job
  • Salary and benefits

  • Recruiting Report

After a period of 2 to 4 weeks , a report with the conclusions of the recruitment process of the best three (3) suited candidates for the position will be forwarded to the company with our comments and a report of a psychological evaluation (if requested).

  • Guarantee

A 60 day follow-up service effective hiring date will be provided. In the event of a resignation on part of the candidate within the same period, a replacement for the same position will be carried out at no extra cost.



Selected investigations techniques will be applied, depending on the vacant position and to enhance the chances of a successful incorporation.

Above elements help at meeting both, the targets of the Organizations as well as the fitness profile and potential of the candidate under evaluation.

Evaluations will include:


  • Intelligence
  • Organizations capacity
  • Concentration and observation capacity
  • Learning capacity


  • Interpersonal relationship
  • Leadership potential
  • Emotional balance


  • Attitude towards responsibilities
  • Attitude towards established principles
  • Willingness
  • Autonomy
  • Concentration capacity

Mental health or illness is not to be evaluated, nor will psycho-pathological or clinical considerations de made as long as those factors do not affect the expected labor performance.


© 2009 - H&F Consultores - Todos los derechos reservados
  Florida 439 – Piso 3 Of. 3 - Ciudad de Buenos Aires - Tel 4326-1113 (líneas rotativas)  