Selected investigations techniques will be applied, depending on the vacant position and to enhance the chances of a successful incorporation.

Above elements help at meeting both, the targets of the Organizations as well as the fitness profile and potential of the candidate under evaluation.

Evaluations will include:


  • Intelligence
  • Organizations capacity
  • Concentration and observation capacity
  • Learning capacity


  • Interpersonal relationship
  • Leadership potential
  • Emotional balance


  • Attitude towards responsibilities
  • Attitude towards established principles
  • Willingness
  • Autonomy
  • Concentration capacity

Mental health or illness is not to be evaluated, nor will psycho-pathological or clinical considerations de made as long as those factors do not affect the expected labor performance.

  Evaluaciones psicotécnicas
  Reorientación Laboral
La Empresa Cliente podrá optar por alguna de las dos opciones de evaluaciones psicotécnicas ofrecidas...
El propósito de este servicio es brindarle a la empresa herramientas que posibilitan una desvinculación...
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  Florida 439 – Piso 3 Of. 3 - Ciudad de Buenos Aires - Tel 4326-1113 (líneas rotativas)